Law Students, FindLaw's New Section Is Just for You
If you need legal information, you can find it at FindLaw, no matter who you are. Seriously, among FindLaw's millions of pages of content there's something for everyone. There are legal professional blogs for legal professionals, consumer information for your average person, free (and awesome) state codes for anyone wondering about alligator law in Florida, news feeds, newsletters, and so much more.
And law students, we've got you covered, too. Today, FindLaw just launched its new Law Students section designed specifically for aspiring JD's. So if you've got questions about choosing a law school, surviving in law school, or crushing the bar exam, you can find answers right here.
From the LSAT to the Bar Exam and Everything In Between
FindLaw's new Law Students section has info for every step of the pre-lawyer life cycle, helping take you from an LSAT-obsessed larva to a majestic (and litigious) butterfly. For those just considering law school, there's information on pre-law courses and LSAT preparation -- there's even information on alternatives to law school, for those who might want a legal career, but don't want to become lawyers. And for those who are dead set on becoming a JD, there's plenty of information on picking the best school.
Those in law school will find information on how to pay for their degree, how to study for classes (including a sample 1L study schedule), and even where to find commercial outlines. And when the time comes, and it will come quicker than you think, our bar exam section can help you make sure that your JD is followed by an Esq., ASAP.
Growing With You
Of course, these offerings are great, but they're only the start. FindLaw's Law Students section is going to continue and evolve throughout the coming weeks and months. Check back regularly and expect to see new, helpful information and articles each time.
And you can even help us grow. Below, let us know about the type of content that you'd find useful, and we'll see if we can add it to future updates.
Related Resources:
- So You're Going to Law School? Here's What to Do Beforehand (FindLaw's Greedy Associates)
- 2017 Law School Rankings Leaked Early -- Worried? (FindLaw's Greedy Associates)
- How Not to Make Friends in Law School: The Gunner (FindLaw's Greedy Associates)