Law School Outlines in 2.0 : What Wiki Can Do For You

By Neetal Parekh on November 13, 2009 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Outlining for law school can be one of the most tedious and daunting tasks in studying for finals.  And though we can't change that, there may be a way to boost your outlining backhand.

If your social life has benefited from being on Facebook, you use Wikipedia as a reference resource, or you edit and collaborate on projects using Google docs, you may want to consider ways to 2.0 your law school toolkit.

Think wiki.

Wikis are collaborative online tools that let you manage data.  Any data.  This includes tort elements, intestacy provisions, and bright-line rules in case law.  But what's different from using word processing to organize your notes and thoughts, is that wikis allow added flexibility on how to organize the data and how to share it.

If you are in a study group, a wiki could be an ideal platform to integrate each person's notes and take-aways from the lectures and readings into a document that can be shared and edited by each member.  Then, instead of having to email sections to each other and review piece-meal, the group can work on the document simultaneously to create a more cohesive and comprehensive resource to help you survive the upcoming finals season. 

What about privacy?

There are a number of wiki-hosting sites that will allow you to create a free wiki page that limits access to invited members. 

So before you commit to word processing, handwriting, typewriting, or sandblasting your law school subject outlines, think tech-forward and check out what wiki can do for you. 

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