10 Charged in Lakers Victory Riot Violence

By Kamika Dunlap on June 22, 2010 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

The Lakers NBA Championship win over the Boston Celtics not only brought out adoring fans but vandals too, as many were charged in LA riot violence.

Charges were filed by the Los Angeles city attorney's office against 10 people for their role in the violence and vandalism after the Lakers team victory, the Associated Press reports.

Spokesman Frank Mateljan said that a range of charges includes:

  • inciting a riot
  • unlawful assembly after being told to disperse; and
  • throwing flammable objects and assault

All of the charges are misdemeanors.

In general, vandalism is the intentional and malicious destruction of or damage to the property of another.

It includes behavior such as breaking windows, slashing tires, spray painting a wall with graffiti, and destroying a computer system through the use of a computer virus.

Vandalism is a malicious act and may reflect personal ill will, although the perpetrators need not know their victim to commit vandalism. The recklessness of the act imputes both intent and malice.

The penalties upon conviction may be a fine, a jail sentence, an order to pay for repairs or replacement, or all three.

In addition, a person who commits vandalism may be sued in a civil tort action for damages so that the damaged property can be repaired or replaced.  

According to police, vandalism and violence broke out in several locations around the Los Angeles area.

During the LA riot, some vandals attacked vehicles, throwing cones at them and blocking their paths. At one point a late-model Lamborghini was rocked back and forth by vandals, authorities said.

At least 42 people were arrested after the victory over the Celtics in Game 7 of the title series.

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