Kiwi Student Auctions Virginity to Pay College Tuition
The Associated Press (AP) reports that a 19-year-old New Zealand student has auctioned her virginity online for $32,000 to pay her college tuition fees.
Using the pseudonym "Unigirl," the student offered herself to the highest bidder on the website According to the AP, over 30,000 people viewed her ad and more than 1,200 bid to have sex before she finally accepted the $32,000 offer.
Unigirl describes herself as "attractive, fit and healthy." But modesty prevented her from posting a photograph, video, or references - so bidders had no way of confirming the accuracy of her post.
"I am offering my virginity by tender to the highest bidder as long as all personal safety aspects are observed," she announced. "This is my decision made with full awareness of the circumstances and possible consequences."
But Kiwi police have issued a warning to the girl about following through with the deal. Spokesman Jon Neilson said the teenager had broken no law but "we would suggest it's not a safe practice." Using chat rooms, social dating networks and other Internet sites to arrange meetings between strangers always raise "issues of personal safety," he added.
Meanwhile, Catherine Healy of the New Zealand Prostitutes' Collective said: "The amount of money is absolutely huge - and that puts her under enormous pressure to perform all sorts of acts." But the successful bidder may also want to "save" the teenager and would not ask her to have sex, said Healy.
Ultimately, even if the bidder does want sex, the student still has the right to refuse to follow through, and the bidder could claim his or her money back.
New Zealand, Netherlands, Nevada... why is it that all the places with liberal prostitution laws begin with the letter 'N'?
While you ponder that one, I'm heading to the bank to deposit more money in the college tuition fund...
Related Resources:
- What is Virginity Worth Today? (CNN, January 2009)
- High Bidder in American Student's Virginity Auction Backs Out (PR Newswire)
- Prostitution Laws in the US (FindLaw)