Kerry Kennedy's Ambien Blood Test Results

By Andrew Lu on July 26, 2012 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Kerry Kennedy was arrested in New York last week, charged with driving while impaired when she allegedly crashed into a tractor-trailer and left the scene.

Now questions are being asked as to whether the sleeping drug, Ambien, caused Kerry Kennedy to crash. Kennedy, the ex-wife of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, allegedly told police that she may have taken the drug that morning, but doesn't remember for sure, reports ABC.

However, while Kennedy's family says that there were no drugs involved, a toxicology report showed that a generic form of Ambien was in her system. Kennedy had previously passed a Breathalyzer, blood, and urine tests which showed no drugs or alcohol.

Whether Ambien played a role in Kennedy's crash will be critical for her defense. If she simply drove badly and got into the accident, Kennedy may just face charges for leaving the scene of the accident. 

However, if it is revealed that the drug affected her driving, she could possibly face jail time if charged with DWI. This is true even though Ambien is a legal drug.

People often have the misperception that you can only be arrested for a DWI if you drink or take illegal drugs like marijuana. However, the fact is that you can be arrested regardless of whether you take illegal or legal drugs. So long as the drugs affect your ability to drive, you are subject to a DWI.

It's interesting to note that Kerry Kennedy's cousin, Rhode Island Rep. Patrick Kennedy, also crashed his car in Washington D.C. after taking Ambien, reports ABC.

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