Keeping It Reelz: Reality TV Mom Sues Romeo

By Ephrat Livni, Esq. on November 30, 2015 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Rapper and reality TV star Romeo is not feeling the love this week. Sued by his mother for conspiring with his dad, Master P, to swindle her in the parents' divorce, Romeo told reporters that mom's lawyers were behind the lawsuit, according to TMZ.

"Today I was served by my own mother and although it hurts, I know that she can't be 100 percent behind all of these ridiculous moves but instead is being guided by another's greed," Romeo said. He added, "It sucks because the only reason I've ever worked so hard was to make my mother proud."

Trouble for the Millers

The Miller family has been making headlines all month. Romeo's mother and father -- Sonya and Master P -- are in a difficult divorce . Earlier in November, a judge ruled that Master P must pay Sonya spousal and child support, amounting to over $27,000 a month, plus a $200,000 in lawyers' fees.

Now Romeo says that mom's attorneys are pushing for more money with this latest suit. He told reporters that he has not spoken to his mother in months.

Romeo reserved criticism for the media as well. In the lawsuit filed by his mother he is accused of hiding money, claims he says were fueled by false media reports that have been going throughout his parents' divorce.

Keeping It Reelz

It is surprising that Romeo sounds shocked by his mom's lawsuit, considering how much press his parents' divorce is getting and his continual involvement. Sonya Miller reportedly claimed that her husband was using their son to hide assets to be divided during the legal proceedings, including money due Sonya for her work on "Reelz," the family's reality TV show.

The Miller family is indeed keeping it real. Maybe too real. This family feud, which is starting to seem Shakespearean indeed, does not seem likely to resolve anytime soon.

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