JWoww, Snooki Neighbors Brace Themselves for Reality Hell

By Andrew Lu on August 24, 2012 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

No matter how bad your day is going, you can always make yourself feel better by reminding yourself that you're not going to be one of JWoww or Snooki's new neighbors.

After being denied by several New Jersey towns, 495 Productions finally found a new home for MTV Jersey Shore members Snooki and JWoww. The mayor of the small New Jersey town of Manchester graciously opened the town doors to the reality stars.

As you can imagine, not all of the mayor's constituents are too excited about having Snooki and JWoww in town, reports The Hollywood Gossip.

Too help ease the transition, TMZ reports that MTV offered JWoww and Snooki's neighbors a goodie bag. But it seems doubtful that a bag full of Starbucks coffee, a book of brainteasers, and a mug will appease angry neighbors.

So far production has not begun and JWoww and Snooki have done nothing to annoy their new neighbors. But just to be prepared for the inevitable, here is a primer on three neighbor disputes that are likely to arise:

  • Excessive Noise. You'd be excited about DJ Paulie D coming to visit your town too, until the dance music goes on a bit too long and the fist-pumping never seems to crank down. Most towns have a noise ordinance that requires residents to turn down the volume. As the party usually begins after midnight on the Jersey Shore, it's a safe bet that this ordinance will be broken a few times.
  • Traffic. Neighbors better prepare for an onslaught of paparazzi, fans, and other gawkers. It will be interesting to see if MTV prepared an environmental impact report for their television show and received the necessary approvals for the traffic/human impact.
  • Water Damage. Snooki and JWoww love their hot tubs. As the reality stars are not always known for using the hot tub to scrub and get clean, there's a good chance for spillage. Neighbors should know that the property owners are usually responsible for water damage caused by them.

JWoww and Snooki's neighbors could raise all three of these neighborly disputes within hours after the two move in. The mayor of Manchester better hope that the notoriety brought to the town was worth it.

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