Judge in Robe, Wig Tackles Fleeing Defendant in Courtroom

By Adam Ramirez on March 14, 2011 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Ever just wanted to smack opposing counsel as they addressed the Court?

How about sprint across the courtroom and tackle 'em?

Well a British judge, sporting full robes and a (powdered?) wig tackled a sex offender to the ground as he tried to flee a trial, Reuters reports.

Judge Douglas Marks Moore, 60, wrestled with 34-year-old Paul Reid as he tried to escape from Woolwich Crown Court in London.

"The jury [was] just leaving when the defendant jumped up and ran across the clerk's bench to get to the judge's door," said prosecutor Rupert Gregory."As he went through the door, his honor Judge Marks Moore grabbed him round the throat to try to bring him down.

(Can't you just hear the Geico gecko's accent as this barrister spins this yarn?)

"Together they went down three steps and then Mr. Reid broke free and ran down the judge's corridor," Gregory continued. "The judge gave chase. Just as Mr. Reid was about to open a push-handle fire door, Marks Moore rugby-tackled him around the throat and waist and brought him crashing to the ground, landing on top of him."

Judge Moore showcased some serious football/rugby tackling skills, taking down a man about 1/2 his age. The incident happened last year and was being described in court this week.

Where were the bailiffs during all this? Would an American judge take such matters into his own hands?

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