'Batman' Must Hang Up His Tights: Judge Insists He Retire 'That Costume'

By Cynthia Hsu, Esq. on October 19, 2011 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Michigan's "Petoskey Batman" days as the Dark Knight are over. Well, at least for six months: Batman's on probation. As it turns out, he's far from immune to the law.

This masked vigilante, legal name Mark Wayne Williams, was arrested in May for trespassing and carrying dangerous weapons. He was found hanging off the side of a building.

He pled guilty last month to a count of resisting and obstructing an officer. He was sentenced this Monday to six months of probation. Part of his probation terms? He can't don his Batman costume.

Tragic, considering that Halloween is just around the corner.

His sentencing will likely sent shock waves among his "fans." More than 4,000 followers have "liked" the Petoskey Batman's Facebook page.

How is it that a judge can bar the Petoskey Batman from wearing a Batman costume? The man in the black robe has such discretion when it comes to probation conditions.

For example, those who are arrested on DUI charges may be ordered to stay away from alcohol.

Since Williams was arrested in a Batman outfit trying to fight crime, it seems pretty logical that the judge would bar him from donning the black mask and cape.

Plus, considering the charges he could have faced, it seems that Williams is getting off lucky. When he was arrested in May, he had a bunch of different weapons on him including:

  • a folding steel baton
  • sand-filled (SAP) gloves
  • a gas-ejective device
  • a bludgeon
  • a sandbag
  • Freeze Plus P

Essentially, he had his own arsenal of crime-fighting tools.

The Petoskey Batman joins the ranks of busted masked crusaders. Police recently arrested "superhero" Phoenix Jones of Seattle on assault charges.

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