Harvey Weinstein Files Motion to Dismiss Ashley Judd Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

By Lisa M. Schaffer, Esq. on July 20, 2018 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Ashley Judd filed a defamation lawsuit against Harvey Weinstein, claiming that Weinstein sabotaged her career after she rejected his sexual advances. Weinstein recently filed a motion to dismiss, claiming he did everything possible to advance her career, and he can prove it! But can he?

Weinstein's Bargain

Weinstein points to an "bargain" he made with Judd, the facts of which neither refute. Judd went to meet with Weinstein at his hotel room for a breakfast meeting early in her career. She claims at that time she was unaware of his reputation as a sexual predator. He answered the door in a bathrobe, and asked Judd to give him a massage. When she refused, Weinstein asked her to pick out his clothes and watch him shower. Judd then made Weinstein a deal -- she "would consider letting him touch her only if she won an Academy Award in one of his films."

All About the Oscar

Weinstein is using this deal to prove that he was, in fact, highly incentivized to find her an amazing role, through which she would win an Oscar if he was allowed to touch her. Yes, that's right. He claims he took this bargain very seriously and was quite motivated to win her, and him, that award. As a side note, Judd has never won an Academy Award. Maybe that's a good thing, or Weinstein would sue for breach of contract.

Judd, on the other hand, claims that she made that deal to wiggle out of the immediate, uncomfortable situation in that hotel room. She contends that in the years following that fateful meeting, Weinstein maliciously sabotaged her career, telling other producers that she was difficult to work with. Weinstein has been accused by over 70 women of sexual misconduct, including predatory sexual assault. He has denied all allegations of nonconsensual sex.

Sexual Assault in the Film Industry

Sexual harassment and assault in the film industry is a serious problem. In a recent survey of over 850 women working in the industry in various roles, from actresses to editors, 94% reported some form of sexual misconduct. Men are not safe from this crime either, as evidenced by recent allegations by numerous male victims, including Kevin Spacey's alleged victim, Anthony Rapp.

If you, or someone you love, has been the victim of a sexual assault, contact your local Personal Injury lawyer. Victims of sexual assault or sexual abuse can, and should, file a civil lawsuit against the abuser and any additional parties that contributed to the assault.

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