J.D. Fasts for Law School Transparency, Day 8

By Neetal Parekh on August 12, 2010 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

What does transparency mean to you? For J.D. Ethan Haines it means a lot.

As in breakfast, lunch, dinner. And snacks.

Haines, who authors the blog UnemployedJD and describes himself as a "self-designated J.D. Class Representative", is on a hunger strike to promote transparency among law schools with specific regard to their employment statistics. He tapped 10 random law schools from the top 100 to respond to 2 requests:

1) to comply with a non-profit group called Law School Transparency's campaign to collect detailed job statistics of graduating students; and

2) to audit career counseling programs for effectiveness

There's not a ton the world seems to knows about Mr. Haines except what is posted on his blog. It is not too clear which law school he graduated from nor other details about his job search and J.D. experience.  And though you can follow his tweets, there are no photos or online videos to expound on his transparency crusade.

He is on Day 8 of his quest for transparency which apparently hasn't received any responses from the named schools as of yet.

A fast for law school transparency, this sounds like a first.

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