Is There Still No Shame in Judge Wade McCree's Game?

By Robyn Hagan Cain on April 02, 2013 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Chris Rock tells us that there’s no sex in the champagne room. Judges’ chambers, however, are an entirely different story.

In March, the Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission filed a complaint against Judge Wade H. McCree for making a false report of a felony, making misrepresentations to the Commission, and engaging in improper bench conduct and demeanor, the ABA Journal reports. Part of that improper conduct and demeanor included having sex in his chambers with Geniene LaShay Mott, a witness in a child-support case.

But don’t worry: He swears that his relationship with Mott didn’t influence his decisions in the case.

(Who should be more insulted by that claim: his paramour or the Commission?)

Judge McCree, clearly taken with Mott, invited her to lunch after encountering her in court. That lunch led to a six-month affair, frequent discussions of the child support case that brought them together, and text messages about other cases. (For some of the texting highlights, check out pages 12 and 13 of the Commission's complaint.)

The affair came to light when Judge McCree complained that Mott was stalking him. Mott reportedly informed McCree that she was pregnant with his child. Then McCree allegedly told the investigative team of the prosecutor's office that she demanded $10,000 in return for terminating the pregnancy and for not revealing their affair to his wife.

It certainly sounds like Judge McCree is in hot water, but the ABA Journal reports that his lawyer doesn't believe the Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission will be able to prove the charges. That line of thinking is pretty optimistic considering that this isn't Judge McCree's first brush with inappropriate behavior. Last year, Judge McCree made headlines (and became the subject of a separate Commission complaint) when he intentionally texted a shirtless photo of himself to a married female bailiff.

When asked about the picture, he replied, "Hot dog, yep that's me. I've got no shame in my game."

Thinking of scheming your way into an ex parte party with the "Honorable" Wade McCree? You're out of luck ... for now. McCree is currently suspended without pay, Detroit's Fox-2 News reports.

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