Is Domestic Violence Against Frances Cobain to Blame?
We wrote about how Frances Cobain requested to hand legal guardianship of herself from Courtney Love's possession into the hands of her paternal grandmother and aunt previously in Celebrity Justice. At that point, both sides claimed that it was just a matter of preference with Courtney Love's attorney saying: "Courtney's been clean for years and is perfectly fine. This is simply about Frances preferring to live with her grandmother at this time."
Well it seems that it was not only France Cobain's preference, but may also have been to protect herself from her mother Courtney Love's antics. People reports that domestic violence against Frances Cobain may be the cause of the temporary change in guardianship of the minor. There is a temporary restraining order put in place against her mother Courtney Love. It is claimed that Frances Cobain put the temporary restraining order in place because of "personal problems in the family" and more specifically because of "domestic violence."
There has been a motion to seal court documents so that Frances Cobain can continue the case in private. However, People reports that the motion to seal was filed under the heading "motion to seal all documents ... relating to a minor and allegations of domestic violence." That heading is what is fueling these claims and allegations of domestic violence against Frances Cobain.
While most domestic violence centers around partners in a relationship, it also includes child abuse and neglect.
Courtney Love's attorney insisted that the heading was placed in order to expedite the privacy of the teenager's court documents. He told People: The only reason that it had mentioned" - domestic violence - "was for the purpose of ensuring a sealing of the case. I'm not going to comment on that issue because we're trying to handle this in a way that's best suited so that Frances doesn't suffer."
Frances Cobain was granted her request for a temporary restraining order on December 11, 2009. It prevents her mother from certain behavior and restricts the distance that she is allowed to be around Frances Cobain and her new legal guardians.
Related Resources:
- Domestic Violence: Orders of Protection and Restraining Orders (Findlaw)
- What persons and what types of actions are covered by child abuse laws? (Findlaw)
- California Child Abuse Laws (Findlaw)
- Court Tells Frances Cobain: To Grandmother's House You Go (Findlaw's Celebrity Justice)
- Custody and Visitation Dos and Don'ts (provided by Lewert Law Offices, P.A.)
- Child Custody Overview (provided by Bailey Smith & Bailey PC)