In Court Egg Toss Lands Agim Demiri With Jail, Fine

By Tanya Roth, Esq. on October 01, 2010 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

You can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs; everyone knows that. Everyone also knows that this means that in order to get past some tough times in life, you have got to get a little messy. However, most attorneys would advise against trying to spread that mess around, especially onto the judge assigned to your case. Angry defendant Agim Demiri didn't consider any of this of folk wisdom, or else he took it too literally, because he is now in jail for throwing an egg at a judge.

His idea was bad, his aim was worse, reports the Carmi Times. Demiri sure enough took aim at Judge Timothy McJoynt with a fresh egg, but he didn't even hit him. However, he himself got hit with a sentence from another judge, the Honorable Blanche Fawell, whose aim was a bit better. Demiri was hit with charges of aggravated criminal damage to state-supported property. He will spend 90 days in jail.

In addition, Demiri must pay the cleaning bill for the courtroom. The Times reports the mess caused by that one little egg whizzing past Judge McJoynt cost a whopping $616.78 to clean up. Demiri's clean up costs will be part of his restitution in the case. Restitution is often levied as a way for an offender to make the offended whole again or prevent the offender from realizing an unfair gain.

Why, you may ask, would a 40 year-old man act in such a manner? The same old story that gets to most of us; love, family, money and the disappearance of all of it. The Times reports Agim Demiri had appeared in front of Judge McJoynt several times for on-going failure to pay his child support. He reportedly owes $7,600 in back support.

Make that $8,216.78. And he didn't even hit him.

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