If You're a Sexting DA, You're Blaming it on the Sex Addiction.

By Andrew Lu on June 21, 2012 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

How a sex addiction and drug addiction joined forces to ruin the career of sexting DA Kenneth Katz.

Kenneth Kratz is the former Calumet County District Attorney in Wisconsin. Two years ago, Katz got in trouble when he sent sexually suggestive text messages to a victim of domestic violence during the prosecution of the woman's ex-boyfriend.

After the incident became public, Kratz lost his job, his money, and his wife. Now, Kratz says he's never been happier, reports the Green Bay Press Gazette.

While it usually is not illegal for a lawyer to send sex-charged text messages to clients or other interested parties in a case, it is highly unethical to do so. As a result, sexting DA Kenneth Katz is facing a disciplinary hearing by the Wisconsin Office of Lawyer Regulation and could have his law license revoked.

Seeming resigned to his fate, Katz pleaded no contest to the charge and made a statement about there being more important things to life than having a law license, reports the Press Gazette.

Most interestingly, Kratz offered some insight as to why he sexted the woman. Was she just that irresistible? Apparently, Kratz suffers from a sex addiction and also dependence to prescription drugs. While normally able to control his sexual urges, Kratz says that the unidentified prescription drugs lowered his inhibitions, and so he texted the victim of domestic violence as her ex-boyfriend stood trial.

Despite all his losses, Kratz says that he's at his happiest now as he has finally opened up about his compulsions and is able to seek treatment. He is in a 12-step treatment program for those with sexual compulsivity and attends four meetings a week, reports the Press Gazette.

Sexting DA Kenneth Kratz may not be practicing law for a while, but he does seem to be on the right track to reforming his life.

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