Review: 2012 Judicial Conference Session on International Trade

By Tanya Roth, Esq. on June 14, 2012 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

If you missed the Federal Circuit Court of Appeal's Judicial Conference this year, you can still benefit from it.

The Federal Circuit has posted information on the Conference online. You can look through the agenda of the 2012 Judicial Conference as well as download some reading material from the breakout sessions.

Over the coming weeks, we'll break down the conference by practice area and bring you the information you need. The breakout sessions covered four key Federal Circuit practice groups: International Trade, the Court of Federal Claims, the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, and the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board.

Today's practice area is International Trade.

The breakout sessions on International Trade discussed the intersection between International Trade Commission jurisdiction and remedial authority under Section 337.

Moderated by Jamie Beaber, a partner at Steptoe & Johnson, breakout session speakers included Circuit Judges Arthur J. Gajarsa and Jimmie V. Reyna, Vice Chairmain of the International Trade Commission Irving A. Williamson, and Theodore R. Essex, an administrative judge at the US International Trade Commission.

The discussion focused on Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930. The statute covers the importation of items which would violate a U.S. patent and breaks down into two key concepts: The violation (i.e. infringement) of a U.S. patent and the importation of the item into the United States.

In addition to a discussion on the elements of the statute, the session focused on relief available for violation of the statute.

Here are the documents from the breakout session.

Stay tuned for more information and materials from the 2012 Judicial Conference of the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals.

Related Resources:

  • Search Federal Circuit Court of Appeals Cases (FindLaw Cases)
  • Patent Infringement and Litigation (FindLaw)
  • Federal Circuit Court of Appeals (US Courts)
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