Human Rights Day: How Can Lawyers Celebrate?

By George Khoury, Esq. on December 10, 2018 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Unlike the billion and half holidays created by marketing companies to sell greeting cards, flowers, gifts, keepsakes, and legal services, Human Rights Day is a legit, international holiday.

Back in 1948, on December 10, the United Nations signed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. That document, in short, declares that all humans have certain rights, such as to be free from slavery, forced servitude, forced marriage, and arbitrary arrest, as well as declaring that everyone is entitled to privacy and other human rights.

So, if you're wondering what you, as a lawyer, law student, or law firm, can do to celebrate, below you can find three easy ways.

Get Active

Every year, there are events planned for Human Rights Day in just about every major city. If you weren't involved in the planning stages this year, don't worry about it, there's always next year. Instead, find out what's going on in your city, or nearby in your region, and go attend the events, individually, with other students, or your firm colleagues. While you're there, you can look into ways to volunteer that day, or the following year.

Get Social

Don't have time to drop everything and go to some event? Then at least jump on social media to participate in the conversation. If you have time before posting on social media, write a blog post for your website about the holiday and what it means to you or your firm.

Human Rights Day is one of those things that the followers of lawyers will be happy to see posted by the lawyers and law firms they follow. Yes, this is long-term marketing, but it is also establishing yourself on social as someone who posts content that followers will want to read (and hopefully share).

Get Giving

If you don't have time for any of the above, but believe in the spirit and purpose of the holiday, then today would be a good day to pry that wallet or purse open in order to donate a few bucks to a charitable organization that promotes human rights campaigns.

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