How to Trick Your Firm Into Thinking You're A Better Employee

By Stephanie Rabiner, Esq. on April 20, 2011 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Face it: most of you probably don't like your job.

Between long hours and tedious work, you're likely having trouble keeping a smile on your face.

But with layoffs looming, you need to convince the higher-ups that you not only like your job, but that you spend a lot of time doing it.

If this sounds like you, we've got a few suggestions, and they won't make you look like an idiot.

Senior associates and partners can tell a lot about your work ethic and happiness level from your office. Consider it a window into your ever-withering soul.

The goal is to make your office reflect a happier and more productive you, even if it's a lie.

Plants are a wonderful addition to any office space, but let's face it, most of you probably don't have windows or will forget to water them. So instead of buying a real plant, spend some of that hard earned cash on high-quality fake plants.

Your space will project liveliness, and everyone will praise you as responsible for not allowing them to "die."

You should also visibly store food in your office, taking care to keep it organized. This will project the image that your office is better stocked than your home fridge, making people think that you spend more time at work than you do with your family.

It may be true, but it's incredibly important to make it known.

And lastly, pepper your office with personal effects that make you appear objectively likable. Your office will look lived-in and the partners will think that you're a happy, well-adjusted person.

Even if you're really not.

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