How To Start a Solo Law Practice For Under $3K
If you have recently cleared the Bar exam and are unemployed, you have likely given thought, time, and maybe even some blood, sweat, and tears to finding a job. And somewhere along the line you may have thought to yourself, wouldn't it be so much easier if you just put out a shingle?
Or, case scenario two, you have a good job practicing as an attorney but your hours are long, you don't love the work or work environment, and you don't feel directly connected to the cases you handle. You spend your time working for the Man or Woman, and feel like you have nothing to show for it. And then you find yourself wondering, what if you didn't report to anyone...what if you were the Man or the Woman?
If you identify with these scenarios, you are officially susceptible to "soloitis", i.e. the longing to start your own law firm. Often, if ignored for long enough, it will pass like a forgettable law school exam. However, it does have the potential to cause you to make drastic life decisions such as quitting a job, desisting the job search, and even lip synching to tv commercials of personal injury attorneys.
The good news is that starting a solo law practice could be the best move you ever make. It can help you hone in on a niche area of practice, gain a first-hand experience in the business of law, and allow you to feel integrally connected to all aspects of case and client.
But, you fear that you don't have a budget to support launching into your own firm. How much will it cost anyway?
In a post featured in, author Sam Glover narrates his own experience in starting a solo law practice in Minnesota. Impressively, he details how he was able to get through the first year in just under $3,000. He runs down his list ranging from purchasing a laptop, to getting the additional hardware and software you will need, and paying regular fees such as internet and phone services.
Take a look at his numbers and begin thinking about how you would emulate a version of your own. Jump and the net will be there, or if not, at least you'll know for sure.
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