'How to Get Away With Murder' Review: Season 2, Episode 13
We'll cut straight to the chase: last night's episode of How to Get Away With Murder was a flipping mess -- but a fun and illuminating one. Featuring several unsexy slumber parties, the first twenty minutes were very 'Olson Twins pizza party' while the end seemed like a lost scene from The Bacchae.
So, let's hop right in to this week's spoiler-filled lawyer's guide to How to Get Away With Murder.
Nightmare on Keating Street
Once again, Phillip is back and stalking the Keating five like whoa. There are videos from the night of A.D.A. Sinclair's murder, a video of Michaela's Hapstall walk of shame, and who knows what else. The gang's not safe with that tossed-off product of incest following their every move, so Annalise goes to the new A.D.A., looking to trade info on Phillip for blanket immunity for her and, somewhat surprisingly, everyone else.
Of course, the A.D.A. tries to make the best of Annalise's info without giving her any immunity. Stalling Annalise, he's sending the police over to raid her practice. But Annalise can't be beat in the deceit and deception game. Needless to say, she comes out on top, and we get to hear Bonnie incredulously declare: "You're asking us to shred files while you're in front of the A.D.A.?"
Unprotected and still afraid, the Keating five (plus Oliver) decide they'll spend the night at Asher's, since he's the only murderous law student to have escaped Phillip's attention so far. The slumber party is a straight-up bore, but Colliver lets it leak that they're considering transferring to Stanford. (Come on over, you two! You'll be our neighbors.)
No Cuddle Party in Cleveland
Since half the episode is set ten years in the past, so are half the slumber parties. Annalise is still in Cleveland, still putting the pressure on Rose to testify (falsely) on behalf billionaire bride-killer Charles Mahoney. She even brings in her old girlfriend, Eve, to threaten Rose with deportation back to Haiti.
After abusing her role as an ICE attorney, Eve slips over to the local HoJo's and joins Annalise in her suite. The two have a long heart-to-heart, about Annalise's pregnancy (she's scared but wants the baby), about Rose (Annalise is convinced it will all work out) and about their failed relationship. Annalise declares, seeming somewhat unconvinced, that she's not gay -- just one of the many women who have sex with women, apparently.
Westophe's Nightmare
Eve and Annalise don't go to sleep, however. (In fact, their meeting is in the middle of the day, but forgive us the slumber party conceit. We've got to tie this thing together somehow.) Instead, Annalise heads out to meet up with Rose.
And that brings us to the meat of this episode. While everyone else is off snuggling, Wes is first alone, then with his shrink. He's found the note saying he was a suspect in his mother's death. He's having constant flashbacks to that time he murdered his mother.
Yes, Wes is convinced it was him who killed his mom, though the psychiatrist begs him to consider otherwise.
And soon we find out what really happened. Annalise, at Rose's, pleads with Rose to testify. Father Mahoney has repeated his threats against Wes/Christophe, should she not. Annalise, never the gentle hand, let's Rose know as much.
Rose, already on edge, breaks. "I was born free, I will stay free, so will Christophe," she says. "There's no reason to hurt him now."
And with that, she stabs herself in the neck. Her last words are "take care of my boy," which raises two points: A, Annalise, you're no good at taking care of people; and B, Rose! This woman is responsible for your death! Don't put her in charge of your kid.
The show lingers, really, really lingers, on Rose's slashed, bleeding neck as Annalise runs off and Wes arrives, just in time to watch his mother die.
Phillip Post Script
Finally, Annalise returns to Wes's house to do go knows what. Wes, however, isn't home. But Phillip is. The episode closes with Philip, sliding across the floor like a snake, grabbing Annalise's ankle and pulling her down, down, down.
This is the stuff dreams are made of. Happy slumber party, everyone.
Related Resources:
- 5 Cases That Would Make for Great Criminal Justice Documentaries (FindLaw's Greedy Associates)
- Better Call Saul: A Tragicomic Practice Primer (FindLaw's Greedy Associates)
- Where Did Ally McBeal Go to Law School? 9 Fictional TV Lawyers' Alma Maters (FindLaw's Greedy Associates)