Heavy Metal Gets Woman Arrested 4 Times in 26 Hours

By Deanne Katz, Esq. on September 06, 2012 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Joyce Coffey is one tough lady and she is a big fan of heavy metal -- so much so that she got arrested four times in 26 hours for it.

Between 3 p.m. Tuesday and 5 p.m. Wednesday last week, Coffey was arrested four different times for offenses related to heavy metal. The 53-year-old New Hampshire resident's first run-in with police involved her allegedly blasting AC/DC and Guns and Roses.

They arrested her Tuesday afternoon and released her on $500 bail. But that wasn't the last they saw of her that day.

Just five hours later, police paid her a second visit for blasting her music and arrested her again.

This time they upped her bail to $1,000, but she still made it.

If you thought shelling out all that money would be enough disincentive for blasting her music, you'd be wrong. Coffey was arrested again early Wednesday when police responded to yet another noise disturbance.

The bail this time was $10,000, reports NBC News. You could buy a lot of nice pairs of headphones with that money.

What Coffey allegedly did next wins the award for creativity.

Yes, it was another "heavy metal"-related incident that led to Coffey's arrest later that afternoon. Police were called to her house for a domestic dispute: Her nephew apparently tried to get some belongings from her house, and so Coffee allegedly hit him with a frying pan.

That's some heavy metal -- and not the fun-at-a-rock-concert kind.

Getting arrested multiple times for the same offense does not look good on a record, in case you were unsure. It can result in longer punishments for each crime, especially if the offenses are close together in time. It also makes it less likely that a judge will be lenient.

In this case, the judge ordered Coffey to undergo a mental health evaluation or pay $10,000 bail for the frying-pan arrest. The evaluation is the cheaper option, although not necessarily the more attractive.

Police have reported that alcohol might have been a factor in the arrests, reports New Hampshire's WMUR-TV. Also, in other obvious news, the sky might appear blue.

Joyce Coffey's record of four arrests in 26 hours is pretty impressive but the continuity of charges is what takes the cake. Hopefully from now on she'll lay off the heavy metal -- or at least stop hitting people over the head with it.

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