Harry Potter and CLE Credits - an Amicus Connection
Just in time for the release of the latest Harry Potter celluloid phenomenon set to open tonight, Azkatraz 2009--A Harry Potter Symposium--starts tomorrow in San Francisco. It fittingly kicks off with the midnight showing of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and continues with quirky, curious, and fan-atic events throughout the weekend.
And now muggle-lawyers can get in on the action too...
For those closet Harry Potter attorney fans logging in billable hours, industriously working away at non-profit firms, or lawyering in the government, this may be just be the thing to combine your loves for all things Hogwarts and the law. The symposium offers CLE credits, along with a Quidditch match in Golden Gate Park, could the weekend be looking any better?
Here are a few session topics that, well, speak for themselves:
"Are You a Wasly or a Malfoy: Parenting Within the Harry Potter Fandom"
"Elf Rights and Werewolf Legislation: Designing Public Health Interventions and Social Welfare Policies to Apply to the Wizarding and Muggle World"
"Harry Potter and the Unforgivable Curses: Norm-Formation, Inconsistency, and the Rule of Law in the Wizarding World"
"How Half-Bloods Became Pure-bloods"
"Law of Fandom"
"Mock Trial: Wizengamot V. Potter"
"Morality, Justice, and Wizarding Law"
"Fair Use and Fan Creativity"
"Harry Potter and the Law - Cease & Desist letters and court cases from 1999 through 2008"
Related Topics
- Azkatraz 2009 - A Harry Potter Symposium
- CLE for Harry Potter
- Interesting CLE: Virtual World, Real Ethics Credits (FindLaw's Greedy Associates)