Halloween 101: Top 3 Trick-or-Treat Safety Tips

By Admin on October 19, 2011 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

It's nearly Halloween. Kids and parents across the nation are gearing up for one of the most sugary holidays of the year. But many parents might be interested in some Halloween safety tips. So what should you know about trick-or-treat safety?

Trick-or-Treat Safety Tip #1: Make sure their costume checks out.

Before you let your kids embark on a trick-or-treating excursion check their costumes first. Costumes made with flimsy materials that drag on the floor can trip children and may lead to injuries. Fabrics should preferably be flame-resistant to reduce the risk of fire.

Costumes should also be brightly colored and visible to motorists. It's also a good idea to carry flashlights in case it gets dark early.

Trick-or-Treat Safety Tip #2: Check candy before you let your kids chow down.

Adults should also tell kids not to eat candy until they've been examined properly. Discard treats in wrappers that look like they've been tampered with. Unless you know the neighbors, you might want to consider trashing all treats that aren't commercially wrapped.

Trick-or-Treat Safety Tip #3: Escort young children.

Parents should accompany their children on trick-or-treating excursions. Adults should be wary of traffic signs and lead children when crossing the road. Before leaving the house, it's also best to instruct kids on basic traffic rules.

With these Halloween safety tips in mind, have a great trick-or-treat! Safety might not be a kid's top priority, but it should at least be on the parent's radar.

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