Halloween 101: Halloween DUI Checkpoints Planned
If Halloween's Monday date isn't enough to deter you from getting your party on, it's definitely not enough to stop police from getting their checkpoint on.
As is tradition this time of year, police departments across the country are planning Halloween DUI checkpoints. They'll be out in full force to protect the little ones, and nab the drunken ones.
This likely includes the Friday, Saturday and Sunday before, so don't get any scary ideas.
And yes, driving drunk is scary. Especially when caught.
A DUI will almost certainly land you in jail for the night, as well as a date with a judge. Punishments include fines; license suspension and restriction; probation; enrollment in drunk driving courses; and really high insurance premiums.
You'll probably also have to pay a lawyer and the local impound lot.
Don't want to fall prey to this horrific fate? Consider the not-so-scary alternatives to driving drunk:
- AAA will be offering its free Tipsy Tow service to members and non-members alike. Instead of tempting fate, call (800) AAA-HELP.
- Choose a designated driver. You can repay him or her with some late night breakfast, or a sober ride home from the next party.
- Sleep at the host's house, or a friend's place nearby.
- Program a cab company's number into your phone. Use it.
- Take public transportation. Leave home equipped with exact fare and written directions. Route maps are hard to decipher when drunk.
Halloween DUI checkpoints will be out there, and they will be out to get you. So do the safe thing and don't drink and drive.
Related Resources:
- DUI Law: Overview (FindLaw)
- Halloween 101: Are Nunchucks Legal? (FindLaw Blotter)
- Can I Refuse a Sobriety Test? (FindLaw Blotter)