Half-Smoked Blunt in Wendy's Burger Gets Worker Arrested

By Aditi Mukherji, JD on December 05, 2013 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Pickles, tomatoes, lettuce, and marijuana: The recipe for disaster in your Wendy's burger.

One Wendy's employee in Georgia accidentally misplaced her blunt -- half-smoked, no less -- in a sammy and served it to a customer.

Unfortunately for the employee, neither her customer nor employer enjoyed her secret ingredient. She was promptly fired and arrested.

Maybe the sandwich's flavor was a little too smoky?

Secret Ingredient

Wendy's employee Amy Seiber was fired and arrested after a customer at the chain's Lovejoy, Georgia, location called the cops and reported a half-smoked blunt inside her burger, reports TMZ.

Seiber, 32, allegedly fessed up to police that the blunt belonged to her, and that she'd "misplaced" it inside the cheeseburger. She was arrested for possession of marijuana.

The customer told TMZ she suffered from symptoms similar to food poisoning and had to be hospitalized. (But honestly, doesn't everyone feel like they're experiencing food poisoning and need to be hospitalized after eating gross fast food?)

Anyway, she also said that Wendy's offered to pay for her medical bills, and also gave her a $50 gift certificate.

Consequences for Fatty Blunt Sandwich-Maker

In addition to getting fired for her misplaced Mary Jane, Sieber will soon chew on some stiff legal consequences for her half-smoked blunt.

In Georgia, possessing pot for personal use is a misdemeanor that can result in up to a year in prison and a fine of $1,000 if convicted.

The customer could also potentially file a personal injury lawsuit against Sieber for her "food poisoning" (otherwise known as a "bad trip"). But in all likelihood, if the customer pursues legal action, she'll set her sights higher: On the smiley freckle-faced girl with red braids.

Consequences for Food 'Joint'

Like the Taco Bell employee who was busted for licking taco shells, a surprising number of food service workers get caught doing dumb things in the kitchen.

It's the food establishment's responsibility to make sure workers receive proper training, go through sufficient background checks, and are properly supervised.

If Wendy's failed to take certain employment precautions and could have prevented this marijuana mishap, it could face legal liability for the customer's reefer-infused food poisoning-esque trauma under negligence theories related to training, retention, training, or supervision.

Maybe the customer should be thankful she didn't dine on deadly spiders.

Ah, the prospect of a burger with crunchy spiders and a smoky joint. As Wendy's slogan says it: "Now that's better."

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