Greedy Links: Good Mob Lawyers Never Wear Jeans To Work Edition
The post title says what you need to know about our favorite stories this week. Read on for more:
The Big Story of the Week
- The New York Times had a feature on the current challenges faced by BigLaw firms, with White & Case as the star.
How's Your Career This Week?
- Free podcast! About job-hunting! The ABA Journal has details.
- Here's the Texan take on the state of the law job market, courtesy of the Austin American-Statesman.
- Career options: the National Law Journal reminds you that your military is hiring lawyers.
Learning From the Best
- The case for BLS: Above the Law says that at Brooklyn Law School, you can learn from a real-life mob lawyer! How are these things not factored into the U.S. News Rankings?
- Also worth a read: the Village Voice piece that spawned the ATL story. Only in New York, indeed.
- July is fast approaching, and Useless Dicta would re-e-e-ally appreciate it if you would not speak to her about the bar exam.
- 2Ls are getting summer jobs: Starting to Melt is enjoying her summer-associate gig, UCC and all.
Law: The Progressive Profession
- The ABA Journal reports on the free spirits at Latham & Watkins (and a couple of other firms) who are sometimes allowed to wear jeans to work. The horror.
- Just so you're sure, the WSJ Law Blog insists that this is in fact newsworthy.
- Courtoons has an update on the demands of keeping your social networking profiles up to date.