Greedy Links: All Sotomayor, All the Time

By Brian Kumnick on May 29, 2009 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

OK, that's not true.  In fact, we calculate that at least 72% of these links do not relate to the Supreme Court in any way.  You're welcome.

Firm Life: Win Some, Lose Some

  • It was just another superhero Friday in the life of The Namby Pamby.
  • Texas firms are definitely cutting the summer entertainment budget, notes Texas Lawyer.
  • Good news for some laid-off associates at Mayer Brown, for whom, JD Journal reports, the firm found in-house placements with clients.
  • Bad news, though, for some not-laid-off associates at Mayer Brown's Chicago office, where Above the Law reported a swine flu appearance.  (Not that we wish to fuel the swine-flu hysteria.  Here, as a counterweight to this scare item, is the CDC's H1N1 infection stats page.  We're lawyers, not doctors, but those death numbers do not look scary-big to us.)

Law School: What Is It Good For?

The ABA Journal is really on top of the law-school beat this week:

Is Something Going On With SCOTUS Or Something?

  • The Economist notices how totally weird it is that a fifty-something judge is evaluated based on an academic career that ended thirty years ago.  This of course does not seem the least bit odd to lawyers.
  • For your reference as you attempt to construct a SCOTUS-worthy resume: the Young Lawyers Blog begins examining the backgrounds of the justices (and the current nominee).
  • And the Daily Beast just wants to have a little fun, so they've tried casting a SCOTUS movie.  We love Bill Pullman as the Chief.  Inspired.

Maybe It's Just Time To Call It a Week

  • The Am Law Daily, inspired by the modern NFL, suggests  a new recruitment model for these challenging times.  Strangely, it does not appear that they would use vertical leap as a criterion.
  • Finally, it is Friday, and Legally Drawn has your tip to ensure that you don't have to work this weekend: don't be the guy on the right.
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