Glock Sales Soar After Arizona Shooting
There's nothing like free press to drive a boost in sales. That holds true for just about any good or service, apparently including Glock sales. Sales of handguns, specifically Glock handguns, are up across Arizona and a number of states in the aftermath of the Arizona shooting. The Glock handgun used in the Tucson, Arizona shooting goes for $499 and is apparently selling like the proverbial hotcakes.
While it is too early to determine whether the jump in Glock sales and handguns will be sustained, the scale of the increase after the Arizona shooting is surprising. According to FBI figures provided to POLITICO, gun sales rose by 60 percent in Arizona on Monday, Jan. 10, compared with the same Monday in 2010. Gun sales also rose in 2007 after the Virginia Tech shooting.
Glocks have long held a special place in the American lexicon, for example:
"Get yourself a Glock and lose that nickel plated sissy pistol." -Tommy Lee Jones, US Marshals
"Between your faith and my Glock 9 millimeter, I take my Glock." - Arnold Schwarzenneger End of Days
As we reported earlier this year, Arizona has become the third state, joining Alaska and Vermont, to allow people to carry concealed weapons without a permit. The state also allows guns into Arizona bars and other establishments licensed to sell alcohol, unless the bar has signs prohibiting guns.
"What it shows is maybe gun owners in Arizona and these other states feel that there's going to be some change in the law, which is what I hope our elected officials" are working toward, Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, POLITICO reports.
Related Resources:
State Gun Control Laws (FindLaw)
Guns in Bars: Arizona Opens the Door (FindLaw)