Getting a Divorce? Free Resources To Help

By Andrew Chow, Esq. on May 08, 2012 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Considering a divorce? You're not alone, and like many Americans, you may be looking for help to get your case started and see it through to the end. You can start by helping yourself to some free information about the law. FindLaw can be a great introductory resource. You can find easy-to-understand and in-depth articles about divorce, available at our website's "Learn About the Law" section. Our articles answer some of the most common divorce questions, including:
  • Can I get a "quick" divorce, like a summary divorce or an uncontested divorce?
  • What's the difference between a fault and no-fault divorce?
  • Where do I file my divorce papers?
  • What happens after I file for divorce?
Of course, divorce laws differ by state. But there are some common issues that affect nearly all divorce cases, which the free download explains in a simple take-away format. Once you digest the basics, you can easily find more details on the topics you're interested in by heading to the divorce section of FindLaw's website. FindLaw also boasts a nationwide lawyer directory that can connect you with divorce attorneys in your area, many of whom offer free consultations. And check out the family law discussion forum at FindLaw Answers, where you can post questions about divorce, alimony, child custody, and other related issues. Legal minds from our Answers community can help point you in the right direction. With the U.S. divorce rate now about 50%, you've found the right place to learn more about divorce laws and the divorce process. FindLaw keeps it simple, with more details just a few clicks away. Related Resources:
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