Get Ready for Your First Day Back to Law School: 5 Tips
It's back-to-school season, and that includes you law students. So, we hope you've enjoyed your summer internships. If you're lucky, you might have even gotten a bit of vacation in there. Now, it's back to the grind.
Here are five tips to help you get back into the law school state of mind and to help keep you at the top of your game when you're there, from the FindLaw archives.
1. So You're Going to Law School? Here's What to Do Beforehand
Whether you're an entering 1L or ready to round off your last year in law school, here are some helpful tips. Whether it's staying current on the law, learning how to excel at exams, or simply making sure you're developing the skills you'll need to succeed after law school, these tips can help you out.
2. Outlines 101: How to Write the Best Legal Study Outlines Ever
The key to coming out at the top of your class isn't just having a mind for law, it's having the best outlines. Your exams, after all, tend to be one-and-done. You've only got one chance to ace it. And your outlines are your best chance at getting a leg up on the competition.
3. 21 Serious, Creative, & Crazy Study Spots for Law Students
Now that autumn is rolling around, you're going to be spending hours and hours and hours reading cases again. But you don't have to spend all that time on your living room coach or in the law school library. Here are some very real alternatives worth checking out.
4. 5 Skills They Don't Teach You in Law School
Law school is just the start of your journey in learning about the law. But outside of Torts and Con Law and Complex Civil Litigation, there are plenty of aspects of the legal profession that law schools don't teach at all. Do yourself a favor and seek out opportunities to build these skills before you graduate.
5. Where Is the Best Place for a Young Law Grad to Live?
You may be going to law school in one town, but that doesn't mean you have to stay there afterwards. Sometimes, a new city can offer more opportunities and better quality of life. Here are some options to explore.
Related Resources:
- Alternative Way to Pay for Law School: Get a Sugar Daddy (FindLaw's Greedy Associates)
- Top 3 Cool Legal Jobs This Week: Copyright and Trademark (FindLaw's Greedy Associates)
- 9 Tips to Landing a Legal Job or Internship (FindLaw's Greedy Associates)