Gang of Drag Queens Stole Bras, Boas, Fabrics from FL Stores

By Stephanie Rabiner, Esq. on September 22, 2011 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Crafters rejoice! Central Florida's drag queen gang has been caught!

The made-up men are accused of stealing thousands of dollars in fabric, sequins, feather boas, butt pads, and eyelashes from a number of hobby stores over the last year.

Their dedication was apparently so acute that "they could wipe out a whole section of boas in seconds."

They also may or may not have a certain fondness for red lace gloves.

Demitri Marsh, Renford Patterson and Antonio Webb were arrested on Sunday afternoon while fleeing from a local Jo-Ann Fabrics, reports the Orlando Sentinel.

They had hit the location in three prior incidents, yet felt the need to return.

Dressed like women with wigs and makeup, the drag queen gang was carrying quite the haul.

Amongst the stolen items were four packs of red lace gloves, five bra pads, three handbags, three pairs of costume glasses and ten bandanas, according to the paper.

The merchandise was stuffed into the handbag of "a man wearing a tank top and multi-color tights."

That must have been quite the handbag.

The trio has since been charged with retail theft, which is a felony. Demitri Marsh could also face assault charges.

He allegedly threatened to cut a store clerk, according to the police report. Such threats are criminal when the victim reasonably fears imminent violence, and the suspect has an apparent ability to carry out the threat.

There is no word on whether additional charges will be filed. In the mean time, the drag queen gang will remain off the streets.

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