Fuel Gel Recall: Exploding Patio Firepots Killed 2, Injured 75

By Admin on September 01, 2011 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

A voluntary fuel gel recall has been announced. The use of these fuel gels, used in decorative patio lighting, can result in firepots exploding and causing burns to consumers, the Consumer Product Safety Commission reports.

The CPSC says that it has received reports of at least 75 injuries from the fuel gel products, with 34 people hospitalized and 2 deaths.

The risk is especially high when consumers are pouring the fuel gels into firepots that are already lit, as the flames can be difficult to see, reports CNN. Once the fuel gel is poured in, the flame can splash out and cause burns.

The burns are especially dangerous because the burning gel can be very difficult to get off. Water does not usually work, according to CNN. And, smothering the flame or patting the flame won't put out the fire either. The flames can be put out with a dry chemical extinguisher.

Nine companies are now involved in the recall, which is affecting 2 million jugs of fuel gels, CNN reports. The nine companies involved include Bird Brain, Bond Manufacturing, Sunjel, Fuel Barons, Lamplight Farms, Luminosities, Pacific Decor, Real Flame, and Smart Solar USA. A tenth manufacturer backed out of the recall at the last minute.

The CPSC agreed to not show consumers a video of the exploding fuel gels made in the CPSC laboratory in an effort to get the companies to issue the recall, according to CNN. It's possible that the companies did not want any more negative publicity stemming from the exploding fuel gels.

The CPSC is advising all consumers to stop using the fuel gels immediately, in order to prevent more firepots from exploding. Unused fuel gels can be returned to their manufacturer for a refund. The voluntary fuel gel recall also calls for stores to take any remaining stock off shelves.

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