Friday Footnotes: Free Law School, Ranking Firms & More
A round-up of the week's law school news headlines, editorial commentary at no extra charge.
First, start with the power of free. Then add in pro bono and law school in equal parts. Bake or chill, depending on your desired coast. And you get free law school a la mode...
- Harvard Starts Venture Fund For Public Service. Like what you see but a little rusty on speaking Bostonion? Also serving up free law school for pro bono publico fare are UCI, Northwestern, and Georgetown to name a few.
Now, to appease the fascination with Ivy league law schools. And boxing.
- Bernard Fernandez: Wharton School vs. Penn Law at Blue Horizon. Brought to you by schools of hard knocks and high LSATs.
At some point every law or pre-law student was a ranking-junkie..and now associates can re-live the days.
- US News Will Rank Firms; But Not Before the ABA Asks Questions. Rank me once, shame on you, rank me again...
This could quite well be reason #11 to enroll in a law school clinic...
- Law school clinic at U.Va. readies case for Supreme Court. 3L's, Con Law will never look the same.
Related Resources:
- Friday Footnotes: UMaryland, UMass, Hillary Swank & More
- Friday Footnotes: Jersey Shore Goes to Law School & More
- Friday Foonotes: Remembering Prof. Freed & More