Fox & a Little Too Friendly: Former Anchor Sues CEO Roger Ailes
Gretchen Carlson, former Miss America and former host of multiple Fox News programs including Fox & Friends, filed a lawsuit against Fox CEO Roger Ailes, claiming Ailes sexually harassed her, created a hostile work environment, and finally fired her after she objected to his sexual advances. The complaint also names her co-host Steve Doocy, and alleges he "engaged in a pattern and practice of sever and pervasive sexual harassment" against Carlson.
You can read the full complaint below, and we've highlighted some of the best/worst parts.
"Get Along With the Boys"
Carlson claims that after she began her employment at Fox News in 2005, Ailes denied her "fair compensation, desirable assignment and other career-enhancing opportunities in retaliation for her complaints of harassment and discrimination and because she rejected his sexual advances." Carlson's complaints began with Doocy, whom she accuses of:
...mocking her during commercial breaks, shunning her off air, refusing to engage with her on air, belittling her contributions to the show, and generally attempting to put her in her place by refusing to accept and treat her as an intelligent and insightful female journalist rather than a blond female prop.
When Carlson complained about Doocy to her supervisor, Ailes allegedly called her a "man hater" and "killer" and told her to learn how to "get along with the boys."
The (Really) Old Boys' Club
From there, Carlson accuses Ailes of injecting sexual and sexist comments and innuendo into their conversations, commenting on her outfits, her physique, and her marriage. According to the complaint, Ailes also ogled Carlson in his office, asked her to turn around so he could see her backside, and bragged about remaining seated while greeting women so they have to bend over to say hello.
When Carlson confronted Ailes about his behavior in his office, he allegedly told her, "I think you and I should have had a sexual relationship a long time ago and then you'd be good and better and I'd be good and better." Carlson was terminated on June 23, and filed her lawsuit on July 6. You can read it, along with many other awful details below:
Gretchen Carlson v. Roger Ailes by FindLaw on Scribd