Florida Teen Poses as Doctor, Steals From Elderly

By Ephrat Livni, Esq. on February 17, 2016 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

"Just because you saw a season of Grey's Anatomy doesn't mean you could practice medicine," the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office tweeted after arresting a Florida teen at his medical clinic last week. Malachi Love-Robinson was charged with practicing medicine without a license, according to United Press International.

This week Love-Robinson was also charged with grand theft and forgery for stealing from one of his elderly patients, according to ABC News. So how did this happen? And how can it be that this is not the first time?

Past Offenses

Young Malachi Love-Robinson already has a very unusual record. This was not the first such arrest for the wanna-be doctor, although he has not previously been criminally charged for his practice of medicine without a license.

The Palm Beach County Sherriff's Office declined to file charges against Love-Robinson after he was found working at St. Mary's Medical Center in West Palm Beach, as his mother said he was mentally ill and not taking his medication. The hospital claimed that the teen -- not even technically an adult then -- never examined any patients.

In October of last year, the young healer received a cease-and-desist order from the Department of Health after he was found working as a massage therapist in Boynton Beach without a license. Just afterward, Love-Robinson seems to have opened a clinic of his own.

New Birth New Life Clinic

This week the reports from West Palm Beach are that more charges have been filed. An 85-year-old woman who found the youth's clinic, New Birth New Life, online, received treatment from the young man four times. On one occasion, during what was apparently a home visit, the woman was so ill that Love-Robinson called an ambulance for her and advised that she leave him her purse and keys.

When the woman was released from the hospital and later went to the bank, she discovered she had no money in her account. Now Love-Robinson faces criminal charges for the alleged theft.

Malachi Love-Robinson has a business partner, an adult it seems, who claims that he invested $6000 in the clinic. This man works at the clinic's front desk and reportedly says he too was "taken in" by the youth.

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