Florida Man Arrested for Attacking Teen with a Burrito

By Andrew Lu on February 28, 2013 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

An alleged burrito attack may land a 36-year-old Florida man in jail.

Police say that Erik Brown "throttled" a 16-year-old relative in the face with a Taco Bell burrito as the two fought during a domestic dispute, reports The Smoking Gun. The incident occurred at their Port St. Lucie home.

The teen says that he was having an argument with his mother and brother-in-law, when Brown asked the mother to hand him a burrito. Cue the ominous music.

With burrito in hand, Brown allegedly threw the Mexican delicacy “with force” at the victim, striking the boy in the face. Even long-after the incident, when police were interviewing the teen, they noted that the teen still had burrito cheese, sauce, and meat all over his clothing and face, writes The Smoking Gun.

Brown has been charged with a misdemeanor for the assault.

In his defense, Brown says that he merely “delivered” the burrito to his brother-in-law. He says that the teen was being disrespectful and had cursed at the mother. Even after being booked into county jail, Brown expressed no contrition and made statements to the effect that he was going to knock out the teen upon his release.

With threats like this, the teenager may want to consider getting a retraining order against the adult. He has already been assaulted once and there is a viable threat that he will get assaulted again. And while a burrito attack may seem funny, a future attack may not be so humorous.

With a restraining order, and depending on the circumstances, the teen may:

  • prohibit his brother-in-law from contacting him
  • force his brother-in-law to move out
  • order the brother-in-law to stay at least 100 yards away
  • order the brother-in-law to seek anger management

The “teeth” behind a restraining order is that someone who violates the order can face significant jail time.

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