Video of Florida Deputy Spanking Naked Girls is Child Porn

By Cynthia Hsu, Esq. on June 01, 2011 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

There's a former Florida deputy spanking girls, videotaping the act, and sending them to a boyfriend. Sounds bizarre, but unfortunately it's real. Robin Pagoria, 45, was arrested on charges of aggravated child abuse, production of child pornography, promotion of child pornography and possession of child pornography, reports The Ledger.

Disturbingly, Pagoria was hired in 2005, so she has been a Florida detention deputy for nearly six years, reports The Ledger. She has resigned her position as a detention deputy, reports the New York Daily News.

Pagoria is accused of paddling two girls, between the ages of 10 and 17, filming the paddling, and sending them to her online boyfriend that she met on a fetish website, reports the New York Daily News.

The most recent paddling incident took place in May. Pagoria paddled the girls, who she told to undress and lay on her modified desk, with a tawse (a leather sex paddle) to "humiliate and discipline them" according to reports, says The Ledger.

In one session, the girls would be spanked upwards of 60 times. Pagoria's online boyfriend was the one who determined their "punishment," according to The Ledger. As a result of the spanking, the girls suffered from lacerations and hemorrhaging.

Pagoria told the investigating authorities that she has a spanking fetish - and that she regularly made videos of herself getting spanked, uploading them to the online website for her boyfriend to view. Pagoria's boyfriend is still being investigated.

In all states, possession of child pornography is in itself a federal and state crime. In Pagoria's case, she not only possessed child pornography - but she created it, and distributed it as well. As a result, Pagoria will likely be facing a harsher sentence, and will have a more difficult time defending herself through trial.

For Robin Pagoria, the former Florida deputy, spanking the girls - and producing child pornography - will likely be sending her away on a hefty jail sentence soon.

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