FL Man Charged with Probation Violation for Breaking back into Jail

By Kamika Dunlap on March 24, 2010 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

A former inmate scaled a fence topped with razor-sharp wire and was injured while trying to break into jail. He was later charged with a probation violation.

Jiles, 25, was reportedly sentenced to 15 years in prison for trespassing, resisting an officer and violating his probation. Officials said the Florida man returned to jail three days after his release last summer and begged deputies to take him back into custody. Slyvester Jiles said he feared retaliation outside the prison.

According to the Associated Press, Jiles was released under a plea deal on a manslaughter charge from 2007. He was re-arrested however, after he was caught climbing a 12-foot fence at the detention center.

When a judge sentenced him to 15 years in prison for violating probation, Jiles broke into a profanity laced tirade. His family also was upset by the judge's ruling and reacted.

Jiles' outburst was in contrast to the letters he wrote the judge last year explaining how he was a changed man and wanted to set a positive example for children.

In general, a probation violation typically results in a probationer being sentenced to a period of time in jail, followed by the continuation of probation. In addition, the probationer can be punished with the maximum sentence for the crime for which he/she was originally committed. 

Probation reinstatement typically includes community service, rehabilitation programs and additional fines.

For now, Jiles will now serve 15 years for trespassing on jail property, resisting an officer and violating his probation.

He returned to the courtroom and apologized to the judge "I'm not going against your sentence, sir. You say 15 years. It is what it is."


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