The Top 10 Legally Weird Stories of the Year

By Stephanie Rabiner, Esq. on January 19, 2012 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Before January comes to a close, news outlets will continue to recount the year's top stories. But we've got something even better:

The year's most-clicked upon Legally Weird stories -- and my goodness, do you guys have some strange predilections.

If it involved sex or animals, you clicked. And if it involved bodily fluids, you went crazy. Luckily only one of the stories may have involved all three.

Can you figure out which one that is?

1. Woman Gets $95M Verdict: Boss Masturbated on Her

2. Indiana Police Officer Has Sex in City Pool While Children Watch

3. Man Had 70+ Exotic Snakes, Fed Them Pets Adopted Off Craigslist

4. Semen-Tainted Yogurt: NM Man Charged After DNA Evidence Link

5. NY Man Agrees to Pay $2,000 Per Cigar Smoked in His Own Home

6. Fake Massage Parlor Inspector Demands Happy Ending

7. SpongeBob Artist Sent 'Martial Arts' Goons to Attack CA Woman?

8. Bang Bus' Porn Star Arrested with Goats, Ducks, Guinea Hens in Miami Van

9. Cat Burglar: Klepto Kitty Steals Bras, Shoes, Bikinis

10. Sex Addict Lawsuit: Glaxo Drug Turned Man into 'Gay Sex Addict'

If you guessed story number 8, you'd be right. The porn star and Santeria follower later claimed that the animals were a sacrifice. But the man is famous for engaging in sex acts in the back of a van while it drives around Miami.

No one seems to know whether the animal-filled van is the same one used to film videos.

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