Filming Done, Ginsburg Goes on Speaking Tour

By William Vogeler, Esq. on January 25, 2018 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

With the premiere of RBG, Ruth Bader Ginsburg has transcended the fame of her illustrious legal career.

Ginsburg is more than a pioneer of women's rights. She is more than the most famous sitting-member of the U.S. Supreme Court. The Notorious RBG is, in the words of many fans, an "icon" and a "rock star."

Following her documentary's showing at the Sundance Film Festival, now Ginsburg is on a speaking tour. It comes at a time when women are speaking out like never before.

"It's About Time"

With complaints of sexual harassment reaching a fevered pitch, Ginsburg has perhaps the most respected voice on the issue. A crowd clamored to hear her at the film festival as NPR correspondent Nina Totenberg asked the jurist what she thought about the "me too" movement.

"I think it's about time," RGB responded and listeners applauded.

After the film, she put it all into perspective. She asked with judicial rhetoric: Who were the Founders? Who were the people who voted?

"They were all white men and property owners," she answered. "Well, I think the genius of our Constitution is that over the course of well over two centuries, 'We the People' now includes people who were left out from the start."

Promotional Tour

Ginsburg begins a kind-of promotional tour this month -- not for her film so much as for her fans. She starts at Roger Williams University School of Law on Jan. 30, where the dean said students can't wait. She's a "cultural icon" and a "rock star," he said.

"It's a combination of her being a true legal pioneer and someone who has a public persona and personality that people find very compelling," said Dean Michael Yelnosky.

Next she goes to NYU School of Law, then New York Law School, and finally Pennsylvania Law School. After the feature film, On the Basis of Sex, comes out, she could do the talk show circuit, too.

The only thing left to seal her celebrity status would be to host Saturday Night Live, which already created the "Gins-burn" to parody her feisty side.

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