FCC OKs Emergency Alerts Via Text Message
During disasters and other emergencies, the nation's wireless carriers will transmit alerts, warnings and other critical information to cell phones and other mobile devices of consumers, under an order adopted Wednesday by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Under the new plan -- which is part of the Warning, Alert and Response Network Act (WARN Act) and could be in place by 2010 -- consumers would receive "Presidential Alerts," "Imminent Threat Alerts," and "Child Abduction Emergency/AMBER Alerts." The New York Times reports that wireless carrier participation in the plan is voluntary, and consumers will be free to "opt out" of receiving the alerts.
- FCC Press Release on Delivery of Mobile Alerts [PDF file]
- Text Alerts to Cell Phones in Emergency Are Approved (N.Y. Times)
- Cell Phones and Wireless Devices (FindLaw)