Fantasy Football Players Can Yahoo! Over Lawsuit Settlement

By Joel Zand on July 08, 2009 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Fantasy football players can send their virtual players to summer training camp to run sprints, lift weights, and sweat gallons.

According to a federal court filing dismissing the case, Yahoo appears to have settled the lawsuit it filed against the NFL Players' Association last month over the use of publicly available player statistics in Yahoo's NFL fantasy football game.

Hustle up, grab your Gatorade, and read the new court order dismissing the case, and Yahoo's original lawsuit here:

David Fleming, Howard Michael and Joshua Frick of Brinks Hofer Gilson & Lione in Chicago, as well as Leo Stern and Jamal Faleel of Fredrikson & Byron in Minneapolis, represented Yahoo!

Richard Berthelsen, the NFL Players Association's interim executive director, was formerly the organization's General Counsel.

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