Election Circus Continues With Drunk and Disorderly D.A. Candidate
On Tuesday, we talked about a campaign spending record and a gang-related slate in two very different judicial races. Today? How about a candidate for the San Joaquin District Attorney's seat who was recently arrested twice in 24 hours, both in alcohol-related incidents.
The prosecutor turned defense attorney has a lot of experience to fall back on if elected: not only is he a long-time attorney, but he has recent arrests for hit-and-run, DUI, beating a man with a shoe (dislodging the man's hip in the process), and two more arrests over the weekend: one after he was reported to be driving a rented U-Haul while drunk (he was apprehended at home and sent to the drunk tank) and a day later, for suspicion of misdemeanor assault of a female at his home, reports Voactiv.
Ladies and gentlemen: Gary Hickey 2014.
St. Patrick's Day Politicking
A common criticism of the candidate is that he is often seen at bars in the mornings, and though we're not one to throw stones over holiday revelry, St. Patrick's Day was no exception.
When asked about the alcohol on his breath, he told an ABC News 10 reporter: "Here's the reason: it's St. Patrick's Day and I'm politicking."
He dismissed concerns over his hit-and-run accident and then turned his attention to his opponent, Deputy District Attorney Tori Verber Salazar. "You know Miss Salazar's name isn't Salazar. It's Tori Verber. She's after the Hispanic vote. I don't blame her, she has every right. But my girlfriend's name is Garcia and I don't call myself Hickey Garcia," Hickey said.
Long History of Troubling Conduct
The Lodi News outlines troubling personal behavior, in addition to whatever is happening in his personal life. In 1998, he was disciplined by the State Bar and given a private reproval -- essentially, a warning. More recently, he has been accused of showing up to court drunk, failing to disclose a plea offer (leading to a reversed conviction), and multiple no-shows in two other serious cases: a murder and an attempted murder, reports the Record.
The Record, which has endorsed his opponent, has called him a "train wreck of a candidate" due to his arrests, sexist comments about Verber Salazar, and his demeaning comments about how long it took her to pass the bar exam.
Related Resources:
- Catching Up With the California Courts' Budget Crisis (FindLaw's California Case Law Blog)
- Cal. Bar Results Come Out Today: What Now? (FindLaw's California Case Law Blog)
- Cal Bar Wants to Crush the Souls of Unlicensed Lawyers (FindLaw's California Case Law Blog)