Eighth Circuit Judicial Conference Promises Great Social Events

By Tanya Roth, Esq. on July 11, 2012 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Attention Eighth Circuit practitioners! The Judicial Conference of the Eighth Circuit will soon be underway in Kansas City, Missouri.

The conference is once every two years, so be sure to take advantage of it. It will be held this year from August 8th to the 10th at the Kansas City Marriott Downtown.

The conference is open to all judges and members of the Bar. There will be panels and speakers spanning a variety of topics.

Some of the topics of discussion will include civil and criminal issues, as well as bankruptcy topics.

The most interesting aspect of the conference (and the most relevant to Eighth Circuit practitioners) is the fact that there will be nationally recognized speakers discussing some recent, cutting-edge cases of the Eighth Circuit Courts.

On August 10, Justice Samuel A. Alto Jr. will close out the conference with the first ever Virtual Tour of the Supreme Court.

Of course, let’s not ignore the social aspect of the conference. In addition to the CLE opportunities at the conference, there are a number of scheduled social events. Practitioners are welcome to bring their families to the conference.

There are some wonderful social events planned, including the Eighth Circuit Bar Association’s College Basketball Experience. Food and refreshments will be served and you just might have to get a little sweaty as the event takes place on a basketball court.

Other social events include museum tours with lunch included. On Thursday, the conference will host a reception at the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts.

Finally, for theater lovers, you can catch Elton John and Tim Rice’s AIDA and buy discount tickets with a promotional code available at the conference’s website. The Eighth Circuit Judicial Conference has actually reserved special seating for the showing.

You can register for the conference online by clicking here.

We’ll bring you more details on speakers and topics of the conference in future blog posts.

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