Dutch Law Firm Uses Video Game to Evaluate Law Graduates' Talent

By Stephanie Rabiner, Esq. on February 23, 2011 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Did you know the legal marketing industry has its own award season?

This niche market gets together once a year to praise all there is to praise about bolstering law firms. And it turns out those who make up the legal marketing industry in the Netherlands are a particularly innovative bunch. Apparently, a Dutch law firm uses a video game to hire new attorneys. Ever the creative bunch, it is called "The Game."

Houthoff Buruma, a large Dutch law firm, pulls from a group of 800 graduating students each year, according to the Legal Current. Not content to focus on grades (a miracle!), the firm began discussing ways to skim the pool for what it believes are the most talented candidates. Since the younger generations respond to digital content, viral marketing, and anything that involves playing on the computer, the firm decided that it wanted to create a video game that simulates a real life scenario.

So, how exactly does it work when a law firm uses a video game to hire law students?

The 90 minute video game presents a scenario in which the players represent a Chinese state owned company that is trying to take over a Dutch family company, reports the Legal Current. The goal is to convince shareholders to sell their shares, as well as find solutions for legal issues. Players are bombarded with video chats, text, news flashes, e-mails, and over 100 fictional documents, details the site. They are provided with a touch screen computer, access to a virtual data room, and hardcopies of documents. At the end, the teams convene and results are discussed.

600 of the 800 students who graduated last year played the game, giving Houthoff Buruma a chance to see them in action. It expects more students will play this year.

The only thing this blogger can think about right now is that this just proves how far ahead the Dutch really are. They get video games and we get nervous lunches!

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