Donald Trump's Personal Record in Federal Court: 169 Lawsuits

By Ephrat Livni, Esq. on February 25, 2016 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Donald Trump is inescapable. The bombastic businessman and reality TV star's campaign for the presidency is a reality for all now, as he increasingly delights voters on the right according to the results of Republican primaries.

His presence in the national spotlight inspired Law Newz to review Trump's record in federal court. Going back to 1983, Donald Trump has reportedly been named in 169 lawsuits and that's only at the national level. Sued by celebrities, personal assistants, prisoners, mental hospital patients, unions, and wealthy businessmen, Trump is no stranger to a legal fight. Here are a few examples.

Defendant Donald Trump

Trump trumpets his love of regular folks, as he pulled himself up by his bootstraps with a mere $1 million from his father. But he was first sued in federal court in 1983 by members of the Local 95 pension fund, who contended he cheated workers out of benefits funds contributions by employing nonunion workers. The case was litigated extensively and ended in a sealed settlement, details unknown.

In 1988, the US Department of Justice successfully sued Trump for antitrust violations, Law Newz reports. Specifically, the lawsuit was filed against Trump for failing to file Federal Trade Commission notice requirements in his efforts to take over two companies through stock purchases. He settled the suit for $750,000.

A quarter century has passed since Trump became nationally known for failing big with the Taj Mahal casino and going bankrupt. In 1990, he was sued 21 times, mostly for fraud and breach of contract in connection with his filing for Chapter 11. The would-be president was $3 billion in debt. He's still in suits over subsequent Taj Mahal bankruptcies.

On the Offensive

Trump has also sued his fair share of people and entities. He has a particularly checkered relationship with Palm Beach, where he owns a home and a private club, luxury condos, and a golf course visible from the county jail.

He's sued Palm Beach at least three times, most notably to build his private club. The county estimates that Trump lawsuits over their airport expansion plans cost taxpayers at least $600,000.

Trump went on the offensive again with a $25 million lawsuit against the town after he was cited for flying an American flag. "The town council of Palm Beach should be ashamed of itself," Trump said. "They're fining me for putting up the American flag. This is probably a first in United States history."

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