Dominatrix Sued for Inflicting Excessive Pain on Undertaker Client

By Andrew Lu on October 18, 2012 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

It seems a certain undertaker plaintiff must have forgotten his "safe word." He brought a lawsuit against his dominatrix for inflicting too much pain, keeping him confined, and robbing him.

This is like a customer suing a car wash for making his car too clean.

Even the German judge presiding over the case was stumped, so the court ordered the dominatrix to pay 200 Euros (about $260) to a local charity as penance, reports Reuters.

The alleged crime happened in Cologne, Germany where the plaintiff reportedly hired the dominatrix for sex. After that, things get confusing as both parties allegedly consumed too much cocaine and the court decided that it was impossible to know exactly what happened next, writes Reuters.

The 49-year-old plaintiff says that the dominatrix, who also happens to be a mother of four, held a kitchen knife to his throat and demanded his debit card and PIN number. The plaintiff, who works as an undertaker when not getting abused, then says the woman held him against his will for five hours.

The dominatrix denied keeping the man against his will. In fact, she even claimed that the man requested that a transsexual colleague of hers join in, reports Reuters. Obviously things were pretty out of control.

If you're into bondage, S&M, domination, whips and chains, etc., the reality is that not every encounter will be as safe and fun as in 50 Shades of Grey. Typically, there is no multi-page contract that you will sign beforehand that spells out exactly what you like and don't like, as well as safe words for when to stop.

So if someone takes the sex play too far, a court has the difficult task of determining what was consensual and what was not. The German court found itself in this difficult position and just made the amorphous award requiring the dominatrix to pay $260 to charity.

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