Divorce is FindLaw's Most Searched Legal Term

By Stephanie Rabiner, Esq. on February 07, 2011 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Like it or not, Americans are thinking about and searching about all things divorce.

"Divorce" was FindLaw.com's most searched legal term of 2010, which is no surprise given that about half of all marriages in the United States end in divorce. More and more people are turning to the internet to investigate divorce laws, trying to limit the financial impact of divorce in a stunted economy.

In addition to divorce laws, people are actively searching for related topics on FindLaw.com. Child custody and child support are often the biggest concern in any divorce, as are other financial issues, such as alimony. Divorce is a complicated process, as well as emotionally trying. Oftentimes, knowing what to expect from local divorce laws lessens the frustration and confusion. It may also make it easier when it comes time to see a divorce lawyer.

The next most searched legal term on FindLaw.com this past year was "curfew," followed up by "marijuana."

Maybe the stress of divorce is causing America to turn to drugs? Not likely. Stephanie Rahlfs, an attorney and editor at FindLaw.com, noticed that marijuana news and laws were big last year. With Proposition 19, which sought to legalize marijuana across the board on this past November's ballot, the national media was focused on California's marijuana laws.

Medical marijuana also made national headlines throughout the entire year. States, such as Arizona, New Jersey, and the District of Columbia, legalized medical cannabis usage. And let's not forget the countless cities that sought to regulate dispensaries with new zoning laws, much to the chagrin of owners and patients.

As for "curfew," no one's really sure what catapulted it onto the most searched legal term list. Maybe parents are looking for a legal justification to force their kids back home by 10 p.m.?

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