Divorce Court - The Music Video

By Neetal Parekh on August 12, 2009 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Is it ironic that Chris Brown's "Forever" is the soundtrack to the latest, greatest viral video to involve a spoof of law.  If you have your finger on viral video fads, you may have seen the JK Wedding Entrance that was all the craze just months back.  Now, while that YouTube-bite apparently depicted an actual zany and entertaining wedding entrance, Indigo Productions has developed this divorce court spoof that supposedly takes place six months after the wedding day.

Entertaining, certainly.  But we do have a few questions for the parties involved:

1. Is it a violation of court rules for lawyers to be kicking above the waist as they do?

2. Can the presiding judge teach a few of his tricks to Judge Judy ?

3. Were the bailiffs concerned that their weapons could have discharged in the course of the circling?

4. Is the hair-pulling a metaphor of relations between attorneys, or an actual reenactment of attorney etiquette?

5. When can we expect to see a reenactment of the "Jon and Kate" proceedings to tune of Beyonce's "Halo" ?

You'll have to see it to fully appreciate.

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