Denise Richards Adopts a Girl: Eloise Joni Richards

By Cynthia Hsu, Esq. on June 30, 2011 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

It's a busy week in the Sheen/ex-Sheen household.

Charlie Sheen's wages get docked for child support to ex-wife Brooke Mueller Sheen, while Sheen's other ex-wife Denise Richards adopts a baby girl, Eloise Joni Richards.

Richards has two other daughters from her marriage with Sheen. Daughter Lola is 6 and daughter Sam is 7.

The baby girl was adopted domestically, reports People.

And luckily for the baby girl, unlike some of the other children of Hollywood celebs, Eloise Joni Richards has a relatively normal name.

Kal-El Cage, son of Nicolas Cage and Cage's wife Alice Kim, didn't fare as well.

Eloise Joni is named after Richard's mother, Joni. Richard's two daughters, Sam and Lola, chose the name "Eloise," Richard's rep told People. Maybe the name was an homage to the popular "Eloise" children's book series?

Richard's reps didn't say where or how Richards connected with her new baby. Domestic adoption can take a variety of different forms. A common type of adoption is adopting independently, without the help of an agency. Independent adoption usually involves some sort of private agreement between the birth parents and the adoptive mother and/or father.

Adopting through an agency is another common type of adoption. Agencies are usually either public or private agencies whose sole function is to place children for adoption. Agencies often handle adoption for children who are in the state's custody, meaning that the child may have been abused, orphaned, or sometimes even abandoned.

However Denise Richards adopts though, one thing is for sure - her family is extremely excited. In response to fans that supported her adoption of baby Eloise Joni Richards on Twitter, Richards' tweeted that her entire family was "over the moon," reports People.

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